Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Body Armor Designs

Due to increasing advancement and modernization, body armor clothing has involved in a lot of ways, too.
more and more advancement in designs are being made by men. Some are still in testing phase but the fact that there are advancements, we might be up for something sooner than what we expected. Let us take a look as we bring back the times of the old body armor design up until new ones were invented.

The weak points of any body armor are its excessive weight thus limiting the movements of the person who wears it. Whenever you aim for getting the best protection level, meaning the protection given by the Level 4 that is certified by the NIJ or National Institute of Justice standards, it will not coincide with the overall weight that a civilian or anybody who wants to purchase one because these body armors weigh more than what the soldiers or even civilians can carry. How hassle is that? Problematic.

Some manufacturing are already researching and developing materials which can be proven to mew stronger and lighter body armor designs. Remember, your vest is bullet resistant, not bullet proof. It is designed to defeat certain rounds, but it will not protect you against all threats or any area that it does not cover. Wearing your shell carrier WITHOUT the ballistic panels does not provide any protection.

These developments are still undergoing construction and thorough testing but for sure, a few years from now, maybe 10-15 years, this possibility of having lightweight body armor without the bulkiness of it will possibly become a reality.

From the old ones wore by our ancestors to the metallic plates that are worn by our gladiators down to Kevlar, it is believed that more and more new body armor designs shall emerged.

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